Tuesday, May 17, 2011



The yellow paper talisman with red drawing
The green paper talisman with black ink

Three methods to use the talisman
To wear the talisman
To burn the talisman
To burn the talisman in tap water and drink
The three methods produced the same result.
For healing ( drink or burn )
For protection (wear or stick on door)

Like they say, if you believe there is god there is god, if you believe there is no god there is no god.
God lives in the heart and Demon lives in the brains of people!


Heard of spiritual boxing

The Thai have this
The Muslim have this
The Taoism have this

Energy is transfer to the practictional body, the body is protected by energy. During the boxer rebellion in chinese history Many hero died from bullets, the word in chinese meant spear not bullets. Just like fire walking only the spiritual people are protected from harm. Not everyone is spiritually faithful. Over the year the power the god was lost because of human abusing the power.

The body goes into trance, the gong Fu movement is perform by the God. Regular training the practictional can perform the movement without going into trance. Training helps to generate the god energy to the practiction, the energy improve the Health and energy of the practictional. The energy can be used to write talisman, or performing excorist, with advance medical treatments, spiritual knowledge is no longer required, spiritual healing is practice for the practictional own benefit. No body want to perform excorist or spiritual healing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What is Energy and spiritual senses and 3rd eye

Energy and senses

A Taoism need energy to write effective talisman. A Taoism has to absorb the energy from the sun. He can do it with God Thai Sun LAU Chin, command, with another grandmaster God , a protector and personnel trainer, help the Taoism student to collect and increase the spiritual energy of the practictional. The level of energy determine the practictional skill. The energy is the chi of a person. To be an effective Taoism, the energy is used to increase the taoism practictional's body senses, so as to sense spirits, see spirits, hear or feel the spirit present, to capture, or destroy any spirits or demons. The energy also protect the person from the demon damaging the soul of the practictional.

A well trained Taoism practictional have the senses include the sight to detect spirits or demons.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The secret weapon of taoism

Taoism is a teaching, like Buddhism, the system later expand and include spiritual. Taoism is a very vast subject. Let's talk about healing, Excorists, and martial arts.

The are many sectors in Taoism.
One sector is considered the best in excorist and against black magic.

The Mao San Fa Chu
There are many Mao San Gods and there are also the demon sector that used Mao San call the Mao San clan the make use is demons to do black magic. Some black magic Mao San clan involve in removing black magic and some harm people with black magic.

Mao San Fa Chu is controled by another God Thai San Lau Chin. Thai San Lau Chin command the other Gods to possessed the follower to write Talisman for healing, excorist, for protection, training and martial arts training.
Talisman is the common energy of Taoism God.
The power of the talisman depend on the level of the pratictioner energy, and the good karma of the practictioner , a good practictioner energy incease while the bad guys loss their energy and make use of Demonic energy.

The Demonic energy can not be used once the opponent the travel overseas.
There is an easy method to deal black magic, travel overseas and then heal the victim from overseas.
The Demonic energy can not counter attack. When dealing with black is to capture and destroy. It is a waste of energy to fight Demon.

Spiritual Healing ( The secrets)

Spiritual healings

Dr Gibson is a supernatural psychiatrist who works with Real healing on a spiritual level. On day man daughter's son about 2 or 3 years old was always very angry and refused to sleep. Dr Gibson spoke to the woman who revealed that she had about 4 abortions before the son was born, Dr Gibson asked the woman to talk to her child who revealed that he was angry because he was refused the right to be born. The mother apologized to the child and explained. The chIld was no long angry.

According to Dr Gibson there were many way to heal the mind.
There are hidden force that attack the human form and pay attention to the force that cause the disease
Origin of human disease
Origin of human health
Force of human Karma


This was from my family problem

My girlfriend now my wife told me when she was about to close her eyes to sleep, she saw figures of people in tradition old fashion Chinese
coming out from the wall in the bed room. I just returned from the temple and putting my 'skill' in action. The saying little knowledge is dangerous is actually saying the little a person know can harm yourself instead others.

I went to her home with yellow paper, red ink, and my God stamp to fix the spirits. With the energy from God I drove the spirits out from the wall, and out from her home. While I was chasing my girlfriend and a female friend was standing at the flat front door, both got slaps on the faces. I chased the spirits out of the flats

Many years pass we got married and have a son, the spirits could not harm us, but our son is now the target, my son had many attacks, but I was not aware it was the spirits that did it.

We migrated to Australia, my son was in good health. My wife decided that Australia was not the place to bring the children up decided to return to singapore. Back in the same flat, her mother's flat ( we sold ours) my son became very sick, later she took the chidden back to australia my son health was back to good health. Soon I returned to Singapore and the spirits found their way to my house in Pasir Ris.

My grandson was born, now my grandson was disturbed. I tried my times to change but somehow they managed to return.
Now I have no other method. I was at work, my wife called me to do something about it.

I tried catching, using spiritual I catched and killed the spirits one by one. There was no more activities in my flat any more, no of us hear or see any thing after the catching and my grandson sleep soundly overnight. Spirits wil not forgive you once you cross their line.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Into the world of the Chinese spiritual Boxer

My grand-master is my God

There are many different Chinese temple for the Taoism

The noisy temple
The non noisy temple

I can just think of two at the moment

Going to introduce us into the world of the God.