Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Heard of spiritual boxing

The Thai have this
The Muslim have this
The Taoism have this

Energy is transfer to the practictional body, the body is protected by energy. During the boxer rebellion in chinese history Many hero died from bullets, the word in chinese meant spear not bullets. Just like fire walking only the spiritual people are protected from harm. Not everyone is spiritually faithful. Over the year the power the god was lost because of human abusing the power.

The body goes into trance, the gong Fu movement is perform by the God. Regular training the practictional can perform the movement without going into trance. Training helps to generate the god energy to the practiction, the energy improve the Health and energy of the practictional. The energy can be used to write talisman, or performing excorist, with advance medical treatments, spiritual knowledge is no longer required, spiritual healing is practice for the practictional own benefit. No body want to perform excorist or spiritual healing.

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