Monday, May 16, 2011

What is Energy and spiritual senses and 3rd eye

Energy and senses

A Taoism need energy to write effective talisman. A Taoism has to absorb the energy from the sun. He can do it with God Thai Sun LAU Chin, command, with another grandmaster God , a protector and personnel trainer, help the Taoism student to collect and increase the spiritual energy of the practictional. The level of energy determine the practictional skill. The energy is the chi of a person. To be an effective Taoism, the energy is used to increase the taoism practictional's body senses, so as to sense spirits, see spirits, hear or feel the spirit present, to capture, or destroy any spirits or demons. The energy also protect the person from the demon damaging the soul of the practictional.

A well trained Taoism practictional have the senses include the sight to detect spirits or demons.

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